2023, Winners 2023
About This Project
Tyre Devulcanisation Award

In recognition of a particularly noteworthy contribution to the tyre recycling sector by company specialising in tyre devulcanisation

Meet The Winner

Tyromer Inc

In the past year, Tyromer has opened our 2 new commercial facilities, one in Windsor, Canada and one in Arnhem, The Netherlands. The company has also signed additional licensees to be set up in Canada and India. Last November, Tyromer had public statements of support and partnership announcements from both Continental Tire and Apollo Tyres.

Meet The Nominees

DRI Rubber

DRI Rubber reprocesses 50.000 metric tons of manufacturing rubber waste from the global tyre and rubber industry, creating fiber reinforced materials, compounds and finished products for various applications, such as the solid tyre industry.

EFG Polymers

EFG Polymers under Elroy Fimrite hves been around for a long time. The company is possibly the largest devulc operation in the USA


GRP Limited is a diversified tyre recycler from India focusing on supplying reclaimed rubber from scrap tyres. The company exports to over 50 countries around the world

Rubber Matters

Indian company, Rubber Matters, under Bubna Mayar is a new and growing player in the devulc sector.