
The Recircle Awards | 2023

The 2023 Recircle Awards reached XXXXXXXX viewers worldwide.  For the third edition of the industry awards event for the tyre retreading and recycling sectors we made another step forward conducting a live launch at TyreXpo Asia in Singapore including the presentation of two of our most prestigeous awards to Christina Guth from the AZUR Network and to Chen Jet How, ex- CEO of the Kit Loong Group.

The final Awards ceremony represented another step forward in the evolution of the Recircle Awards in that we were able to live stream the in-person Awards Ceremony held at Futurmotive in Bologna, Italy to viewers around the globe.

The 2024 event was held in November due to the lack of a dedicated European tyre show in that year, so we partnered once again with Autopromotec to hold the awards ceremony at their new sustainability-related event Futurmotive – Expo & Talks. Here are the 2024 Recircle Awards in photo.